Blurred Central Vision
Macular Degeneration or Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)
The macula is a 3 to 5 millimeter oval surrounding the fovea, which is located at the approximate center of the retina (parts of the eye). It has the highest concentration of retinal cones. These sensitive receptors relay colors and are responsible for the perception of fine detail, like face recognition and reading. The macula is the only portion of the retina that can achieve 20/20 vision. This highly delicate region of the eye is susceptible to damage which results in a loss of central vision.
New research proves conclusively that cumulative exposure to blue light from the sun, smart phones, tablets and computers contributes greatly to the breakdown of this critical part of your vision. The damage to your vision from blue light is slow and progressive. Patients are often without symptoms until it’s too late to stop the impairment. The best way to protect your vision is to prevent your eye’s exposure to these harmful light rays. Vision loss attributable to blue light can be minimized by wearing glasses with a special blue light blocking filters.
In age related macular degeneration, there is a breakdown in the delivery of nutrients to the macula. This results in a thinning of the tissue. In addition, with time, debris deposits begin to appear in this region playing a part in macular degeneration. These contribute to a dimming or distortion to central vision.
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Pigmented spots called drusen, thought to be debris from deteriorating tissue, begin to appear in macular degeneration.
This “dry” form of Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) leads to mild vision problems and may leave the patient more susceptible to the “wet” form of this disease.
Why Your Vision is blurred
The “wet” form of age related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a severe disorder and warrants immediate attention. New blood vessels growing under the fovea leak fluid. This causes the light sensitive cells near them to wane, resulting in a dramatic loss of central vision. While the peripheral field of view is impacted, the loss of central visual acuity is dramatic and has a tremendous impact on a patient’s motility.
Routinue eye examinations in Assembly Row (Somerville), Beverly, Danvers, and North Andover can detect disease before sight loss. Call Parrelli Optical® for your preferred appointment today.