Tint or Clear?
Lenses come in an infinite variety of colors and surfaces. All of our lenses include a virtually invisible filter to absorb ultra-violet light. Solid and gradient tints and polarized lenses are great for sunglasses. Some people like a slight cosmetic tint to enhance their appearance or the look provided by their new eyeglasses. Transitions® lenses lighten and darken depending on the surrounding conditions. Reflection free lenses are the single most important innovation for improving your vision available today.
All eyes need protection from the burning rays of the sun. In the visual spectrum ultra violet light is broken into three categories. The shortest wavelengths, UVC are absorbed in the atmosphere and never make it to the surface of the earth. The middle range (290-315nm), higher energy UV B light burns your skin and are absorbed by your cornea, the clear window on the front of your eye. The longest region (315-380nm) are called UVA rays pass to the interior of your eye. This exposure has been linked to the formation of cataracts as this light is absorbed by the crystalline lens. Once the cataract is removed the very sensitive retina is exposed to these damaging rays. Most modern lens materials naturally absorb these burning rays of the sun. A specialize filter can also be added to basic lens designs to offer this protection.
Trust the knowledgeable professionals at Parrelli Optical® to design the perfect lens tint for you.
Types Of Lens Tints
Right In Any Light
Changeable lenses darken in response to sun light. Bright light and glare can make you uncomfortable outside. Through advanced technology, Transitions® designs give you the benefits of clear lenses indoors and at night, with the advantages of sunglasses outdoors – all in the convenience of one lens.
Lenses for Every Day
Transitions everyday lenses can help you through your busy day. This dynamic eyewear is designed to be worn indoors and to automatically adapt when outdoors to give you a more comfortable viewing experience while protecting your eyes from damaging UV light.
Designed to Perform
Transitions® SOLFX performance sun lenses are specifically designed for outdoor activities to help enhance visual performance. Crafted with functionality in mind, Transitions SOLFX lenses automatically adjust to optimize lens color and darkness in changing outdoor lighting conditions.
The knowledgeable professionals at Parrelli Optical® can discuss all of your sunwear options, visit your local office today.
See and Be Seen More Clearly
Reflection free lenses eliminate annoying reflections from the surface of your lenses allowing you to see and be seen more clearly. Almost ten percent of the light striking the surface of your old eyeglasses bounces around creating a significant impediment to clear comfortable vision. Reflections seen by someone looking at your lenses make the lens visible and mask the observer’s view of your eyes. Reflections that you see can distract, fatigue and annoy you. Harsh office lighting and computer glare cause fatigue and eye strain. Piercing reflections can distract you, slow your reaction time and make nighttime driving more hazardous. Modern manufacturing technologies allow proprietary metallic layers to be added to your new eyeglass lenses increasing the amount of light reaching your eye to 99.4%, allowing more light to pass through your lens increases contrast and improves the sharpness of your vision.
Parrelli Optical® recommends the newest innovations in eyewear
Polarized Lenses
Polarized sunglass lenses remove reflected light, reduce glare and filter harmful ultra violet radiation. Many people feel as though they want a very dark sunlens because their eyes are sensitive to light. It is however, usually the reflected light that increases the wearer’s sensitivity. Light bouncing off of water, snow, the roadway ahead, even the hood of a car can be distracting and even dangerous. Ultra-violet light is more than twice as intense when direct radiation is compounded with reflected glare. The efficiency of the polarized lens allows the wearer greater comfort and protection without the restrictions of a darker colored lens. A polarized lens acts as a vertical venetian blind, selectively blocking light reflected from horizontal surfaces.
There are many features associated with quality polarized lenses, with your prescription or without, when they are mounted in ophthalmic frames. Polarized lenses eliminate glare, enhance color perception and accentuate contrast improving vision. Polarized sunglasses protect your eyes from the harmful, burning rays of ultra violet light protecting your retina and slowing the formation of cataracts. Prescription quality ground and polished lenses eliminate visual distortion. Quality frames are more durable and when professionally adjusted, stay where you want them, making you more comfortable.
For better vision, better comfort, better protection you can trust the professionals at Parrelli Optical®.
Cosmetic Tints
Color can be added to almost any lens material. Each color has a descriptive name and a numerical designation that references the percentage amount of light that is removed (absorbed) by that treatment. Cosmetic tints can be virtually any color and range between 10% and 20% absorption. These fixed tints can be solid, or gradient. In a solid tint the color remains uniform across the lens. A gradient is typically darker at the top and fades toward the bottom. While the idea of a cosmetic tint is to enhance the overall impression made by your new eyewear, any amount of tint lessens available light. It is not advisable to reduce the available light by more than 20% when driving at night. A sunglass lens absorbs between 60% and 80% of the light that strikes the surface.
All eyes need protection from the burning rays of the sun. The most dangerous rays are called ultra violet (UV) and they are broken into three categories. The shortest wavelengths, UVC are absorbed in the atmosphere and never make it to the surface of the earth. The middle range (290-315nm), higher energy UVB rays burn your skin and are absorbed by your cornea, the clear window on the front of your eye. The longest region (315-380nm) called UVA rays, pass to the interior of your eye. This exposure has been linked to the formation of cataracts as this light is absorbed by the crystalline lens. Once a cataract is removed the very sensitive retina is exposed to these damaging rays. Most modern lens materials naturally absorb these burning rays of the sun. A specialized filter can also be added to basic lens designs to offer this protection.
Color can be added to almost any lens material. Each color has a descriptive name and a numerical designation that references the percentage amount of light that is removed (absorbed) by that treatment. Cosmetic tints can be virtually any color and range between 10% and 20% absorption. These fixed tints can be solid, or gradient. In a solid tint the color remains uniform across the lens. A gradient is typically darker at the top and fades toward the bottom. While the idea of a cosmetic tint is to enhance the overall impression made by your new eyewear, any amount of tint lessens available light. It is not advisable to reduce the available light by more than 20% when driving at night. A true outdoor sunglass lens absorbs between 60% and 80% of the light that strikes the surface.
In addition to lessening the intensity of the surrounding light, the wearer’s color recognition is paramount in choosing the tint for a sunglass.
Grey lenses lessen all wavelengths equally. They reduce brightness while maintaining your color perception.
Grey lenses lessen all wavelengths equally. They reduce brightness while maintaining your color perception.
Yellow lenses filter blue light. These shorter wavelengths bounce off water particles in the air intensifying the impact of fog and haze. A yellow lens can reduce the impact of that haze, but still reduces the amount of available light and should never be worn at night.
Polarized Lenses – Glare Control Polarized sunglass lenses remove reflected light, reduce glare and filter harmful ultra violet radiation. Many people feel as though they want a very dark sun lens because their eyes are sensitive to light. It is however, usually the reflected light that increases the wearer’s sensitivity. Light bouncing off of water, snow, the roadway ahead, even the hood of a car can be distracting and even dangerous. Ultra-violet light is more than twice as intense when direct radiation is compounded with reflected glare. The efficiency of the polarized lens allows the wearer greater comfort and protection without the restrictions of a darker colored lens. Polarized lenses are the new standard in sunglasses design.
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