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Test Drive Contact Lenses

FREE Consultation
People of all ages think about contact lenses. Are they comfortable? Will I see well? Can I handle contacts? Of course, we say; “They are very comfortable, you’ll see great and they are easy to master.” But, you keep putting it off. Wondering if contact lenses are right for you.

Here’s your answer: Parrelli Optical’s exclusive, no obligation, FREE…

“Test Drive” Three simple steps:


Call your local Parrelli Optical

And schedule a convenient visit to see one of our contact lens specialists.

Try contact lenses on

during your visit we will discuss your needs and your wants. We will evaluate your eyes. We will let your try on a pair of contact lenses in your prescription if you wish. We will explain everything you need to know to make an informed decision.

Decide if they are right for you

After answering all your questions, and likely some questions you didn’t know you had. You are now free to decide if lenses are right for you. If you like them great! If not, we can still be friends.

(Easy right?)

Eye care professionals specializing in fitting contact lens fittings are available at Beverly, Cambridge, Danvers and North Andover.

Learn More About Eye Conditions and Contact Lenses

Discover the parts of the eye, eye health and illness.

hyperopia cover image

Farsightedness: Hyperopia

| Eye Conditions | No Comments
Hyperopia If light coming into your eye falls directly on the retina, the light sensitive tissue at the back of the globe, you see well. If that light focuses behind…
nearsightedness myopia

Nearsightedness: Myopia

| Eye Conditions | No Comments
Myopia If light coming into your eye falls directly on the retina, the light sensitive tissue at the back of the globe, you see well. If that light focuses in…
large banner eyes with eye chart

Corneal Grafts

| Eye Conditions | No Comments
Contact Lenses for Corneal Grafts The cornea is the clear circle of tissue at the front of the eye that collects light and focuses images on the retina at the…
banner image graphic depiction of keratoconus

Contact Lenses for Keratoconus

| Contact Lenses, Eye Conditions | No Comments
Contact Lenses for Keratoconus The cornea is the delicate clear window at the front of your eye. Keratoconus is an affliction that leads to a progressive thinning of this corneal…