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HMO’s and Insurance Plans

Parrelli Optical® participates in and provides services for most HMO’s and Insurance plans.

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Learn More About Your Eyes

Discover the parts of the eye, eye health and illness.

boy getting an eye exam

Myopia Control

| Eye Health | No Comments
Myopia (nearsightedness) can permanently damage your child’s vision. In the early 1970s, only 25% of Americans were nearsighted. Today, more than 40% of Americans have myopia and that number is…
parts of the eye


| Eye Health, Inside the Eye | No Comments
Inflammations of the Eyeball “itis” means ‘to be inflamed’. ‘itis’ is often added to end of the name of a part of the body to describe an inflammatory condition of…
parts of the eye

Diabetic Retinopathy

| Eye Health, Inside the Eye | No Comments
Diabetes can accelerate cataract formation and induce glaucoma. More commonly the diabetic patient is susceptible to a series of changes in the back to the eye (retina) called diabetic retinopathy.…
dilated eye exam

Endothelial Dystrophy and Disease

| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
Foggy or Blurred Vision The cornea is the clear window on the front of the eye. It bends incoming light rather dramatically to focus an image on the retina at…
dilated eye exam

Post Graft

| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
Vision Correction After This Surgery The cornea is the clear window on the front of the eye. It bends incoming light rather dramatically to focus an image on the retina…
Parrelli Optical PMD


| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
Rare But, Serious Corneal Complications The cornea is the clear window on the front of the eye. It bends incoming light rather dramatically to focus an image on the retina…
banner image graphic depiction of keratoconus


| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
Keratoconus With keratoconus there is a thinning and bulging of the corneal tissue. This irregularity prevents the light from falling evenly on the retina resulting in blurred vision. People with…
Parrelli Optical red eye

Red Eye

| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
Red Eye, Conjunctivitis and Subconjunctival Bleed: The eyeball has a limited number of ways to react to insult, the most common is redness. There is a thin mucus membrane (parts…
parrelli optical eye health dry eyes

The How and Why of Dry Eyes

| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
Dry Eye Dry eye is one of the most common complaints we encounter during our eye exams at Parrelli Optical®. The tear film is designed to act as a lubricant…
dilated eye exam


| Eye Health, Front of Eye | No Comments
What’s happening to your eyes? It’s a lovely time of the year. Plants and trees that have been dormant all winter are returning to life with beautiful blooms and lush…
parrelli optical eye health macular degeneration

Eye Health

| Eye Health | No Comments
Eyes Rarely Hurt When There Is Something Wrong There are many disorders of the eye. The following information briefly discusses the causes and treatments for the many of the more…
parts of the eye


| Eye Health, Inside the Eye | No Comments
Flashers and Floaters Floaters The vitreous is a clear gel-like substance that fills the back of the eye. It gives the globe it’s shape and holds the retina in place.…