Myopia (nearsightedness) can permanently damage your child’s vision.
In the early 1970s, only 25% of Americans were nearsighted. Today, more than 40% of Americans have myopia and that number is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among school-aged children.
Myopia is being diagnosed in children earlier than ever before. This gives it more time to progress and worsen. Higher amounts of myopia significantly increase the risk of sight threatening complications for you child later in life.
Good News! There are treatments.
Slowing the Progression of Nearsightedness Starts at Parrelli Optical in Assembly Square, Beverly, Danvers and North Andover.
MiSight®1 day contact lenses are the first and ONLY soft contact lenses that are FDA approved to slow the progression of myopia in children 8-12 years of age. The Eyecare Professionals at Parrelli Optical® are certified and experienced in fitting this lens design.
What is Myopia?
Myopia is Nearsightedness If your child squints, sits close to the TV or holds a tablet too close they might have a condition called myopia. It’s more commonly known as nearsightedness. The nearsighted eye becomes longer over time, which causes distant objects to appear blurry. And, if it’s not addressed early, myopia often worsens as your child gets older leading to serious eye health issues.
How we slow its progression.
Traditional lenes focus light clearly on the center of the retina at the back of the eye. The light falling in the periphery focuses beyond the retina. Research has proven the eyeball will literally grow to bring these rays of light into focus elongating the lobe and increasing the nearsightedness. Mysight’s unique lens design features special zones that assure everything stays in focus across the retina. Slowing the growth your child’s eyeball.
The journey to a brighter future for you child, starts today.
What you should know:
FDA Approved. MiSight® 1 day is the first and only FDA-approved soft contact lens to slow the progression of myopia.
Clinically Proven and Safe and effective. Over a 3-year period, MiSight® contacts slowed myopia progression
Parent-Approved. 90% of parents reported that their children were happy wearing MiSight® 1 day contact lenses.
Child Friendly. 90% of children still strongly preferred MiSight® them over glasses.
Kids should grow stronger, their nearsightedness shouldn’t.
Start improving your child’s life today at Parrelli Optical in Assembly Row (Somerville), Beverly, Danvers, and North Andover.