Eyeballs are more stressed than ever. Prolonged near work, varied dietary concerns. Even medications for other maladies, can seriously affect your retinal health and permanently damage your vision.
Luckily, technology is moving quickly. The very delicate retina (link to Eye Exams> Eye Health >Parts of the Eye) is deep in the back of your eye. This is where images are formed and sent to the brain. With Optomap we now have the ability to delve into the deepest regions of the globe and photograph your retina. This allows a complete evaluation of retinal health, often without the need for dilating drops.
Quick And Easy
Many disorders of the eye can be treated successfully if they are diagnosed and cared for early. The Optos has he ability to see problems before they impact your vision. In fact, Optos can see trouble before you have symptoms and sometimes even before it shows up in your regular eye exam. Have your eyes examined annually and insist on retinal imaging at every visit.
Optos Saved Christina’s Sight
Save you sight with retinal imaging at Parrelli Optical in Assembly Row (Somerville), Beverly, Danvers, or North Andover. Insist on this exciting new OptoMap technology.