If light coming into your eye falls directly on the retina, the light sensitive tissue at the back of the globe, you see well. If that light focuses behind the retina, you don’t see well. That’s hyperopia.
Hyperopia is more commonly known as “farsightedness.” Generally, this condition is noted by a lack of really clear vision far away and up close. However, the hyperopic patient, with some effort can often focus acceptably far away, in the distance.
In this eyeball light focuses behind the retina. The crystalline lens within the eye is used to add extra magnification for reading. Most farsighted people can use this lens to sharpen their distance vision. As this lens weakens, the doctor will prescribe magnifying lenses, to improve vision.
At Parrelli Optical in Assembly Row (Somerville), Beverly, Danvers, and North Andover you can be successfully fit to contact lenses to correct farsightedness.