The Independent Doctors of Optometry associated with Parrelli Optical® are committed to helping you and your family to maintain and preserve healthy eyes. Using state-of-the-art equipment, our experienced eye doctors will perform comprehensive eye exams and evaluations that will effectively address your eye health and vision needs in a no-rush atmosphere. They will thoroughly discuss their findings and any risk factors they have noted, and then work with you to develop a plan to optimize your vision and your ocular health.

Our comprehensive eye examination may include:
  • Slit lamp examination of the structures in the front of the eye, including eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, lens, iris, and cornea
  • Dilated examination of the structures in the back of the eye, including the retina and optic nerve
  • Refraction to determine vision correction needs
  • Cataract screening
  • Glaucoma screening and eye pressure checks, including GDx
  • Corneal and retinal photos
  • Visual fields
We are also pleased to provide the following services:
  • Preoperative and postoperative LASIK consults
  • Corneal reshaping using contact lenses
  • Ocular allergy therapy
  • Dry eye therapy, including punctal plugs and tear film assessment


Our relationship with world-renowned ophthalmologists ensure that our patients receive the best overall medical and visual care.