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What Make Us Different

Frames for the whole family and for any type of face, learn about the Parrelli Optical difference.

You Need To Know What We Know

Complete eyewear consists of lenses and a frame or mounting. A frame starts in the middle with the bridge that straddles and supports the mounting on your nose. Next the eyewire attaches your lenses to the mounting. The bridge and eyewire are collectively known as the front. An endpiece is secured to the eyewire from which the temples extend back over the tops of your ears to distribute the weight of your glasses and to afford some retention to keep your eyewear from sliding forward.

We Know…

There is a lot to know. We’ll walk you through it.
The certified professional Opticians at Parrelli Optical® have the skills to design the perfect eyewear for you.

Silhouette Eyewear; another Parrelli Optical® partner.

Learn what makes Parrelli Optical® special, and learn more about the difference:

Thorough, Unhurried Examinations

There are many approaches to performing eye exams. Some practices use technicians to perform tests and a quick visit with the doctor confirms the results. The Optometrists associated with Parrelli Optical® however prefer to take their time and get to know their patients and their visual needs. Our Doctors perform all the tests necessary for your eyes and then they discuss their findings with you and you decide on the course of treatment.

We Take the Time Your Eye Deserves

More than an eye test, your visit to one of the Independent Doctors of Optometry associated with Parrelli Optical® is a complete visual analysis and a comprehensive 15 point eye health assessment.

Our Doctors do much more than accurately determine your prescription. They will check your eye for common diseases like glaucoma or Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) and problems like cataracts and presbyopia. In addition, many general health problems can be diagnosed early by assessing changes in the retina. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes first become visible when carefully looking at the back of the eye.

All testing is performed by qualified, independent Doctors of Optometry.

Parrelli Optical® setting the standard for comprehensive eye examinations

eye exam

What’s New In Frames

See the latest in frames from Parrelli Optical® Partner FYSH.

What’s new In Frames

Presenting the ultimate in lightness, comfort and style.

What does lightness mean?

Lightness represents many things, but to Silhouette lightness is a state of mind that we apply to everything we create. It can guide our decisions and allows us to view things in an ever-evolving way. Lightness elevates our thinking and enables us to create, grow and achieve in ways that without lightness would be impossible. And that is why lightness is the inspiration for Silhouette’s premium, ultra-lightweight, rimless collection.

We believe lightness is a way of life.

A light state of mind overcomes obstacles and barriers, it discards the heaviness of convention and expectation allowing complete freedom and creativity. When we let lightness in we illuminate our world and are able to achieve things we never thought possible. That is why we embrace lightness at Silhouette, from the physicality of our lesser-framed, lightest-ever eyewear designs to the philosophy behind our brand, ever-searching, ever-curious, ever-visionary, Silhouette will accompany you on your
journey to lightness.

Signature lightness, ultimate comfort, high-quality design with striking colors and innovative technologies. Silhouette stands for absolute precision, innovation, and attention to detail. For the wearer, the end result is eyewear that inspires and uplifts. Handcrafted with care.

Quality that’s proven

Surgical Steel & Titanium

When we set out to create the most durable, lightweight frames on earth, we searched for a metal material able to perform to the OVVO standards. And when we could not find it, we forged our own. The result is a feat of engineering ingenuity: frames of unmatched comfort that endure the rigorous challenges of everyday life with award-winning style. Finally, fashion meets function.

The OVVO Surgical Steel & Titanium Collection implements patented technology that defies the limits of design and performance. Each frame is constructed from a military grade surgical steel and titanium composite consisting of 70% steel and 30% titanium. This hypoallergenic metal first discovered in spacecraft development offers remarkable durability, lightness, flex memory, and heat resistance. And the style! You cannot beat the comfort and the style of OVVO!

Experience the Pinnacle of Performance.

Specialized designs for younger faces

We offer specialized design for little ones, from newborn to 12 years old. The Dilli Dalli pediatric collection offers unsurpassed durability. A comfortable fit and adorable style. These designs feature the innovative IntelliFlexTM technology, this advanced collection delivers both fashion and function.

We can precisely fit little faces. There are no sharp edges or loose parts. The IntelliFlexTM multi action spring hinge is designed with the ability to flex vertically and horizontally. The hinge can spring back to its original adjustment offering unique flexibility and greater durability. The result is safe, functional eyewear with less need for replacement parts or adjustments.

The Dilli Dalli collection runs the rainbow of options including new bright and bold colors like Orange Mago, Red, Pink Glitter and by popular demand White.

Only the best for your kids! Parrelli Optical® constantly innovating eyewear.

Lens Design Specialists

Parrelli Optical® was started in 1968. Way back then when a patient had a cataract extracted it left them with an extremely strong prescription. Often, the surgeon would do only one eye, leaving our patient with a strong magnifying lens on that side and a regular prescription on the other side.

Because of the gross difference in the strength of those lenses, more exactly the amount of magnification, binocular vision was virtually impossible. You can imagine the disappointment of that client in having the veil of a cataract lifted off their sight only to be left unable to see with both eyes simultaneously.

That’s when we went to work. We researched and experimented. We worked with different materials, different designs and different indices of refraction. We learned how to restore the sight to these patients.

In the end we succeeded. We learned how to make eyeglass lenses extremely thin and lightweight. We learned how to make eyeglass lenses virtually invisible. We learned how to maximize the vision any patient can get from their best correction. And, for the last forty-plus years, we have been teaching our Opticians how to make your lenses lighter and thinner and virtually invisible. We learned that we have to continue to work with every innovation and improvement that becomes available. We learned we need to offer each of our clients then best possible eyecare.

Parrelli Optical®, eyewear innovation since 1968.

We Don’t Fit Contact Lenses, We Fit Eyes

Each of our offices is staffed by certified professionals who specialize in the fitting of contact lenses. They are not an afterthought tucked into the back of your eye exam, contact lenses are all that we do.

At Parrelli Optical our contact lens fitting procedure includes a comprehensive corneal evaluation. We use biomicroscopes to inspect the present state of your cornea, your tear film, your lids and the surrounding tissue. We use an autorefractor to precisely measure the power needed for your contact lens. This resultant power is often adjusted from your spectacle prescription because the contact lens rests directly on your eye. We may use topography to assess the overall shape of the front of your globe to assure the optimal lens fit and eye health response. We could also include corneal photography to document areas of potential concern. Finally, we will conduct an extensive lifestyle discussion. How, when and where you intend to use your contact lenses helps lead us to the correct design for your eyes.

Only after this comprehensive assessment do we select lenses form our inventory of literally thousands of lenses from virtually all the world’s major manufactures to assure your comfortable wear, good vision and exceptional eye health response over your lens wearing lifetime.

Eye care professionals specializing in fitting contact lens fittings are available at Beverly, Cambridge, Danvers and North Andover.

hybrid contact on finger tip being placed on the eyeball

We Know Sunwear

At Parrelli Optical® we are committed to introducing you to the newest and most innovative sunglass lens deigns to both improve your vision and to enhance your comfort. All of our sunglasses can be designed with your prescription or without.

We specialize protecting your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun while enhancing your vision. All of our sunglasses offer complete Ultra-Violet light filters. We recommend glare-reducing polarized lenses. We will make specific suggestions on lens color and frame features to meet your particular needs. If you are driving, boating, golfing, mowing, lazing or skiing, no matter what you do, we can design sunwear to improve your performance.

Parrelli Optical® is a qualified Oakley® distributor. We work directly with the Maui Jim® laboratory to provide you with their certified products. We offer an exceptional collection of RayBan® sunglasses. Finally, our Nationally Certified Professional Opticians will adjust your sunglasses to assure your wearing comfort.

At Parrelli Optical®, we know sunwear.
Shop with confidence! All Eyewear from Parrelli Optical® is covered by our exclusive “You Must Be Totally Satisfied” written guarantee.

man wearing sunglasses kayaking on the water

Extensive knowledge.

At Parrelli Optical® we specialize in shooting glasses.

A 4 1/2” clay sporting bird travels over 47 mph and you need to hit it with an 18“ pattern somewhere around 22 yards. The bulls eye on a fifty yard target is less than 1“ in diameter.
A yellow lens filters blue light. Blue light is that part of the visible spectrum that strikes water particles in the air creating fog. The right color lens can enhance your target picture and improve your shooting.

Guard arms, comfort cables, prescription adjustment for wrap around lenses are just some of the variables that we can offer you to improve the comfort and wearability of a shooting glass frame.
The eyecare professionals at Parrelli Optical offices in Beverly and North Andover know what you are shooting at and can help you hit your target.


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